How To Use Cuckoo Rice Cooker

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on using the Cuckoo rice cooker to its fullest potential! If you’re a fan of perfectly cooked rice without the hassle, you’re in for a treat. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the essential steps, tips, and tricks to ensure your rice turns out fluffy and delicious every time.

Understanding Your Cuckoo Rice Cooker

Before diving into the cooking process, it’s crucial to acquaint yourself with the components and features of your Cuckoo rice cooker. Take a moment to read the user manual – it’s your best friend in mastering this kitchen gadget. Notably, the automatic turn-off feature ensures your rice doesn’t overcook and provides an extra layer of safety.

Ratio rice to water for cuckoo rice cooker

Ah, the heart of great rice cooking – the water-to-rice ratio. This ratio dictates the texture and consistency of your rice. For white rice, the general rule of thumb is 1:1.25 – that’s 1 cup of rice to 1.25 cups of water. However, this can vary depending on the type of rice you’re using. For jasmine or basmati rice, a 1:1.5 ratio might work better.

How to Use Your Cuckoo Rice Cooker

Let’s get down to cooking! Follow these steps for foolproof results:

  • Measure the Rice: Use the provided cup to measure the desired amount of rice. One cup usually yields about two cups of cooked rice.
  • Rinse the Rice: Rinse the rice in cold water until the water runs clear. This removes excess starch and prevents clumping.
  • Add Rice to the Pot: Place the rinsed rice into the inner pot of the cooker.
  • Add Water: Measure and add water according to the recommended ratio for your type of rice. Keep in mind that different types of rice might require slightly different ratios.
  • Close the Lid: Securely close the lid of the rice cooker. The automatic turn-off feature will engage once the rice is cooked.

Cooking Techniques and Additional Features

Your Cuckoo rice cooker is more versatile than you might think. Aside from the standard rice cooking mode, explore the quick cook mode for faster results. The multi-cook functions are where the real magic happens. To steam food:

  • Use the Steam Tray: Insert the steam tray into the inner pot.
  • Add Water: Pour water into the inner pot until it reaches the indicated level.
  • Load the Tray: Place the food you want to steam on the tray. This is perfect for vegetables, fish, and even dumplings.
  • Select the Setting: Choose the appropriate cooking setting for steaming and let the cooker work its magic.

Cooking Specific Types of Rice

White rice is a staple, and here’s how to cook it to perfection:

  • Measure: Use the provided cup to measure the desired amount of rice.
  • Rinse: Rinse the rice thoroughly until the water is clear.
  • Cook: Follow the steps mentioned earlier for cooking white rice, and voila – fluffy, tender white rice awaits.

Exploring the Disadvantages of Electric Rice Cookers

While the Cuckoo rice cooker is a kitchen gem, it’s worth acknowledging a few potential drawbacks. These might include cost, counter space, and a slight learning curve if you’re new to electric rice cookers.

Safety Features and Automatic Turn-Off

The automatic turn-off feature is your ally in preventing overcooked or burnt rice. Once the rice is ready, the cooker shifts to a warm mode to keep your rice at an ideal serving temperature until you’re ready to indulge.

Cuckoo Keep Warm

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’ve prepared a delicious batch of rice, only to have it turn cold by the time you’re ready to eat? The Cuckoo rice cooker has your back with its innovative “Keep Warm” feature, designed to maintain the ideal serving temperature of your rice. In this guide, we’ll delve into the ins and outs of using the “Keep Warm” function effectively.

Understanding the “Keep Warm” Feature

The “Keep Warm” function is a game-changer for anyone who enjoys their meals at their own pace. Once your rice has finished cooking, this feature automatically kicks in to maintain the rice’s temperature without overcooking it. The Cuckoo rice cooker’s “Keep Warm” function operates at a gentle heat that prevents drying or scorching while preserving the rice’s taste and texture.

Activating the “Keep Warm” Mode

Activating the “Keep Warm” mode on your Cuckoo rice cooker is a breeze:

  • Cook the Rice: Follow your preferred cooking method until the rice is perfectly done.
  • Lid Closed: Ensure the cooker’s lid remains closed after the cooking cycle ends. This is crucial for the “Keep Warm” mode to function effectively.
  • Automatic Transition: Once the rice cooker detects that the cooking cycle is complete and the lid is closed, it will automatically switch to the “Keep Warm” mode.
  • Ideal Serving Temperature: Your rice will be kept at an optimal temperature for serving, usually around 140-158°F (60-70°C), for a certain period, typically up to 12 hours depending on the model.

Making the Most of the “Keep Warm” Feature

To truly maximize the benefits of the “Keep Warm” function, keep these pointers in mind:

  • Serve Fresh: While the “Keep Warm” feature maintains your rice’s temperature, it’s best to enjoy your rice as soon as possible for the ultimate flavor and texture.
  • Avoid Extended Time: Although the “Keep Warm” function is convenient, it’s advisable not to leave rice on “Keep Warm” for extended periods, as rice quality might gradually decline.
  • Fluff Before Serving: If you’re letting your rice sit on “Keep Warm” for a while, give it a gentle fluff with a fork before serving to restore its light and airy texture.
  • Preheat Pot: Some models allow you to preheat the inner pot before cooking, which can result in better rice texture and quality during the “Keep Warm” phase.
  • Safety Precautions: While the “Keep Warm” function is safe, it’s always a good practice to unplug the rice cooker when not in use for an extended period.

The “Keep Warm” feature on your Cuckoo rice cooker is a fantastic addition to your kitchen arsenal. With this function, you can bid farewell to cold, unappetizing rice and instead savor your meals just the way you like them. Remember, while the “Keep Warm” feature is great, it’s best to consume your rice within a reasonable time.


Congratulations, you’re now equipped to make the most of your Cuckoo rice cooker! By understanding the water-to-rice ratio, exploring cooking techniques, and leveraging its multi-cook functions, you’ll be serving up perfect rice dishes effortlessly. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t hesitate to experiment and discover new culinary horizons with your Cuckoo rice cooker. Happy cooking!


Is it better to cook rice in a rice cooker?

For sure, a rice cooker is a must-have appliance to cook rice perfectly, neither too hard nor too soft. Just forget about sticking.

To have proper fluffy and delicious rice, you need to maintain the right water-to-grain ratio. No matter even if you’re distracted, it will turn off automatically. easy to clean rice cooker, as well.

Do you need to put water in a rice cooker?

Yeah, in general, the water-to-rice ratio in a rice cooker is 1:1, indicating 1 cup water to 1 cup rice. Almost all rice cookers offer a measuring cup and some have markings inside the cooker, so you will always be able to know how much rice and water you should add.

How long does it take to cook rice in an electric rice cooker?

Well, different types of rice require different amounts of water and time to get cooked perfectly. The interesting thing is your cooker can measure when your rice is done cooking and turns off automatically.

But usually, cooking a large amount of rice in a rice cooker might take between 25 and 35 minutes.

How much water do I use for 2 cups of rice?

The basic ratio of water to white rice is 2:1. That’s to say, two cups of water to one cup of rice. But, you can double or even triple the recipe with ease. Just ensure you are using a bowl large enough so it can hold the rice while cooking and expanding.

What else can you use a rice cooker for?

Let’s get to some other cookery benefits of your electric rice cooker:

  • To make a hot and instant breakfast.
  • To make soaps, stews, or beans.
  • To steam vegetables.
  • To make risotto without stirring and so on.

Is it worth buying a rice cooker?

For sure, it’s worth the money. No matter if you only make use of it for cooking rice. I personally use it only for cooking rice a lot. Because it saves space on the stove and makes rice better than I do. It can easily handle brown rice, white rice, oatmeal, and even quinoa, too.

Note: Though the rice cooker we’re using today has been around for decades and was first invented in Japan, its appeal is still in no way decreasing.